
Ryan Douglas, CFP®

Ryan Douglas, CFP®

Founder / CEO of Douglas Total Financial Solutions. 

We work with both individuals and companies in helping them achieve their financial goals.

Our personal services include insurance and investment services, allowing you to get the best product for the best price for your specific situation.

We also offer retirement, estate and financial plans.

Corporately we offer services for group benefits and retirement plans, health and welfare trusts, employee seminars, business succession planning, corporate investment strategies and the structuring of buy/sell agreements.


We work closely with professionals, contact us if you would like a referral to:

  • Mortgage Broker
  • Realtor
  • Accountant
  • General Insurance
  • Car Insurance
  • Home Insurance
  • Property and Casualty Insurance

Referral names are only provided when requested by a client. The client understands that entering into an agreement or arrangement with any of the referral names provided to them is at their own risk and discretion. Ryan Douglas, Douglas Total Financial Solutions and HUB Capital Inc. are not involved in, nor are they responsible for any advice and/or products and services provided by the individuals and/or companies which they have been referred to. Ray Douglas, Douglas Total Financial Solutions and HUB Capital Inc. do not receive referral fees or any other form of compensation, either directly or indirectly for any of the referral given.


Sit down with us to see how we can help you achieve your goals.